
Rare random drop from Blazes.
When equipped as Spell Book:
+10% Fire Spell Power
+200 Max Mana
When equipped as Spell Book:
+10% Fire Spell Power
+200 Max Mana

Rare random drop from Evokers or Archevokers.
Unique Spell Book
Press [V] to cast
Inscribed Spells:
[Fang Strike 6]
[Fang Ward 4]
[Summon Vex 4]
When equipped as Spell Book:
+10% Evocation Spell Power
+200 Max Mana
Unique Spell Book
Press [V] to cast
Inscribed Spells:
[Fang Strike 6]
[Fang Ward 4]
[Summon Vex 4]
When equipped as Spell Book:
+10% Evocation Spell Power
+200 Max Mana

Unique Spell Book
+1 level to Raise Dead
Press [V] to cast
Inscribed Spells:
[Blood Slash 5]
[Blood Step 5]
[Ray of Siphoning 5]
[Blaze Storm 5]
When equipped as Spell Book:
+200 Max Mana
+1 level to Raise Dead
Press [V] to cast
Inscribed Spells:
[Blood Slash 5]
[Blood Step 5]
[Ray of Siphoning 5]
[Blaze Storm 5]
When equipped as Spell Book:
+200 Max Mana

Rare random world loot.
When equipped as Spell Book:
-15% Spell Resistance
+100 Max Mana
When equipped as Spell Book:
-15% Spell Resistance
+100 Max Mana

The Priest mob will trade one for a written book that can be found in the Evoker Fort. The written book must be translated by a captive wandering trader from the Evoker Fort first.
When equipped as Spell Book:
+8% Holy Spell Power
+8% Cast Time Reduction
+200 Max Mana
When equipped as Spell Book:
+8% Holy Spell Power
+8% Cast Time Reduction
+200 Max Mana

When in Main Hand:
4 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Cast Time Reduction
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+10% Spell Power
4 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Cast Time Reduction
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+10% Spell Power

When in Main Hand:
5 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+15% Lightning Spell Power
+5% Spell Power
5 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Cooldown Reduction
+15% Lightning Spell Power
+5% Spell Power

Common drop from the Dead King.
When in Main Hand:
8 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Blood Spell Power
+5% Spell Power
+10% Summon Damage
When in Main Hand:
8 Attack Damage
1 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Blood Spell Power
+5% Spell Power
+10% Summon Damage

> Automatically loads next available projectile while in inventory. Crouch-Click to cancel

Weapon of Ancient Knights. Can be naturally dropped.
When in Main Hand:
11 Attack Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.75 Attack Range
+4 Armor
When in Main Hand:
11 Attack Damage
1.3 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.75 Attack Range
+4 Armor

Imbued Spell:
[Portal 1]
48 Cast Range
5m Portal Duration
200 Mana Cost
1.5m Cooldown
Imbued Spell:
[Portal 1]
48 Cast Range
5m Portal Duration
200 Mana Cost
1.5m Cooldown

Weapon of the Vindicator in the second floor of Archevoker Forts. Can be naturally dropped.
When in Main Hand:
7 Attack Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Spell Resistance
When in Main Hand:
7 Attack Damage
1.6 Attack Speed
3 Entity Interaction Range
2.5 Attack Range
+15% Spell Resistance